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Choco Bunny by TerdBurgler

Choco Bunny


Character belongs to Ashishers

There are a lot of artists out there that I respect but one that really stands out among the rest is Ashiji. To say she's a prodigy wouldn't be giving her enough credit. Her bold, colorful style brings her characters to life in an exhilarating way and she has the adorable designs and expressions to back it up. There's no doubt that Ashiji has a very bright future ahead of her.

My pandering aside, I've always been quite fond of her OCs and I just had to draw one. It was really hard to decide between Choco and Bizzle but in the end, the clincher was floppy bunny ears. I love floppy bunny ears! X3 Normally I do additive shading but this time I did subtractive shading... It's been a while since I did subtractive shading and I really need to polish my techniques for that style. Still, after plenty of fiddling and more ctrl+z's than I can count, I got it where I like it. Most of all, I hope Ashiji likes it. And hey, if the rest of you folks like it too, added bonus!


Note: Drawing this character makes me REQUIRE a cup of Hot Chocolate. Is that weird?

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Visual / Digital