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Terry the Terrific Sketches by TeknicolorTiger

Terry the Terrific Sketches


Just a very small sketch sheet I whipped up for my FNAF fan character, Terry the Terrific, for an art trade with the awesome BrandiThePitbull. I haven't really given too much thought to Terry's details or background other than he's a magician and was among the original animatronics as featured in FNAF1 (even though I know the first image I drew of him was in the style of the "toy" animatronics from FNAF2.) His act consisted of him preforming tricks for the kids at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza and telling jokes with his assistant, Bitty the Bunny, who lives inside his hat. She's much lighter than she looks, probably weighing about as much as a Furby, and has no lower half other than the mechanical gizmos used to lift her top half in and out of the hat. When on Terry's head, magnets are used to lock the hat in place. During a show, Terry would warm up the crowd and then remove his hat to perform the age-old "pull white rabbit from hat" trick. At which point, a comedy act would ensue between he and Bitty.

Generally they acted according to their programming, their scripted bickering and jokes appropriate for children ages six and up. But, supposedly, around the time of the Bite of '87, the two began to act unusual. When no adults were in the room, Bitty and Terry were known to go off-script, their act and jokes becoming more vulgar, some times describing violent or disturbing things meant to "caution" children all in a halting, deliberate manner drastically different from their usual display. Terry would often joke graphically about what happens to little children who are prone to trusting strangers, at times miming out actions with Bitty. However, when an adult would enter the room, they would resume their normal act, sometimes having to seamlessly segue back into their routine, other times pausing suddenly mid-sentence before returning to the section appropriate for that time. (Their act ran about 45 minutes.)

Sometimes, Terry and Bitty simply weren't fast enough switching from their abnormal behavior to their normal one, their crudeness was naturally called into question by a concerned parent and their exhibit was removed from play for a while for investigation and an overhaul. It was alleged that the magnets in Terry's hat was causing his programming to become scrambled and so a switch was cleverly made during a magic act on stage - Terry would wear a normal hat then a stagehand would switch it with the one containing Bitty so that their act could resume. When this didn't fix the problem, Bitty was completely removed from the act altogether and Terry was re-programmed. This fixed things for a while until Terry began to leave his stage, presumably to search for Bitty, after hours.

And this is where the gameplay would pick up. When flipping through the cameras, Terry will periodically be seen removing his hat as if to perform a magic trick. Once the hat disappears, Terry can be seen wandering from area to area like the others, searching for his hat and/or Bitty. Bitty eventually does appear - on your desk - her enormous eyes twitching in an unnerving, constant motion as if the mechanism for them has been damaged. After a certain amount of time has passed, Bitty will disappear and Terry will return to his stage. However, if Bitty doesn't disappear, you can be sure Terry is going to be paying you a visit.

That's all extremely rough but that's about as much as I'm probably going to mess with this for now.

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Visual / Sketch


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    FNAF isn't typically my thing, but I really adore what you've put together here. Most especially that backstory~

  • Link

    Oooooh, I'm really adoring both the design and backstory! Very well thought out I must say. Fantastic job! I should get an updated ref of Chessie posted, myself XD