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The Deep by Tashamon

"Were there any intruders today Jaglow?"

A young nymph poked her head through the hole in the rusted old ship. She pulled herself through the gap before reaching to grab a small woven bag sat outside, the corridor filling with the cool blue glow coming from the bioluminescent patterns across her skin.

"Jaaaaglooowww? You're not asleep, are you?"

She swam along the length of the ship, the shadowy silhouettes of fish that had settled in flitting past like phantoms of the deep. Examining the corroded walls, she eventually noticed her light illuminating a mottled old skeleton in the corner of an open room, and turned to greet it.

"Jaglow! It's good to see you again! Want to know what I've found today?"

The haunting skeletal figure lay motionless as the little nymph began unpacking her bag on the floor, its bony fingers wrapped tight around an ornate trinket box.

"Look at this one! This must be really rare, Nerei hit the jackpot with this find didn't she?"

She held a decorative vial against her skin, watching the pulsating glow refract through the glass and play across the walls before looking with anticipation at the skeleton. Smiling back at the expected silence, she took a small skull adorned key from around her neck and unlocked the box cradled in its lap. She took care not to mix up the laboriously ordered contents as she placed her day's findings into the separate compartments: shells, stones, jewellery and all kinds of trinkets. Satisfied, she then pulled out a hidden compartment in the lid of the box, letting a small ring drop from the opening into the palm of her hand.

The ring in question was a dainty pale gold twist wrapped around what Nerei believed to be an emerald. It was special to her, not because it was another rare find to stash away in her box, but it was in fact a gift. On one of her night-time trips to the beautiful Alaukih beach she met a young heartbroken gentleman, his proposal to the love of his life shot down only hours before. Her light drew his attention to the water, and, not having had much to do with the land dwelling folk before then, Nerei's curiosity drew her in closer to shore. They talked for a while, and the man eventually confessed to her how silly he thought it, that the only person he could confide in was a creature of the sea. Nerei felt sorry for his woes, and she sang his heart a soothing lullaby to calm his sorrow. So moved was the stranger, that he left his ring as a gift, stating it was an unnecessary burden for him to carry anymore.
She returned to the beach every night for the week, hoping to catch the young gentleman again, to share their stories on the sandy shore. But she never saw nor heard of him after that night.

Nerei caressed the ring gently in her fingers, careful not to lose her grip on its precious surface. If she closed her eyes, she could just about see its previous owner's moonlit figure walking away in her mind's eye.

"I guess some things are meant to be forgotten, right Jaglow?"

The Deep


This is a short story on the theme of being forgotten. Nerei, a young water nymph who lives a solitary existence inside a sunken shipping vessel, relives a past encounter.

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Literary / Story