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Now Hiring by Taross

Now Hiring


Monthly sketch-stream doodle sillyness...

It appears that an attempt at being cheeky has backfired considerably for the duo-corn... multicorn?
Now shi has to actually do a job and put that magic set of horns to actual use. Dang.


Taross (even noncanonically) is mine.
Art by :iconCervelet:
Artists submission:

Submission Information

Visual / Other


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    If you don't mind, I'm going to "steal" (download) this and put this up somewhere visible. That place's name/designation? My PS3 in my room. May I? I love it just that much! It made me laugh, with her simultaneously both wanting and not wanting the job with their decision to accept her based on double cravat tying. You are an exceptional artist. Be proud of your art and yourself. May your life be filled with peace, joy, happiness, wonder, love, delight, mental & physical wellbeing, and great food. Sending you virtual hugs and good vibes.

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      Well, thanks.
      I would have to not e that I am not the artist in this, noting the credits given in the information. You would want to aim your praise towards Cervelet. I just provided the idea hook.

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    Does my pride in you falter? Do my words stumble or fall? Nay, they stand taller! They grow and encompass you both. I do not take my words nor my praises back. Without you and your perfect child, he couldn't have made this great art for you. Child, you ask? Yes, child. You came up with her and put her down on paper/screen first. You are her parent. Just like you're the parent of all your beautiful creations. I am proud of you, your children, and anybody you have draw them.

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    Edit: Forgot to add "I know." in the beginning.