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Trick or Squeak (Halloween 2014) by tapewolf

Trick or Squeak (Halloween 2014)


Daryil wants to go Trick-or-Treating. Jakob is a bit more concerned about the theft of his clothes, not least because of the replacement costume Daryil is offering him. Yes, 'Cubi often love shiny things and Jakob is no exception, but going out in public dressed like that is a different kettle of fish entirely.

This piece was drawn and coloured by :Merlin and it started out life as a commission because the idea of Daryil trying to force Jakob into a catsuit by confiscating his other clothes amused me.
Then I got the idea for a followup, and Merlin very graciously offered to draw the bottom panel for free if it was going to be used as the Halloween special for Project Future.

So, lines, colour and shading by Merlin. Captioning and top background by me. The lower background was done by Merlin. If she eventually uploads the original on FA, you may notice the rain is at a different angle - that's because I re-did the rain in this version because I wanted it closer to vertical. I used the same motion-blurred noise technique as she did, though.

Finding a title for the page was a bit of an effort - sofox eventually suggested 'Trick or Squelch' which mutated into the title we know and love.

Alternative titles included:

  • Squeaky Halloween
  • "I'm trick-or-treating in the rain, I'm not happy again!"
  • British Halloween
  • Well, Daryil dressed like that in public is scary
  • Damp Spirits
  • Ren: That candy is gonna get soggy like that, though.
  • Catsuits can double as wetsuits
  • Deep down, Jakob likes it

Yes, I know there have been a few catsuit pictures recently - hopefully I'll get bored of doing that soon. (But... shinyyy...)

Submission Information

Visual / Digital