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The Primaries - 2020 by KronoGarrett

The Primaries - 2020


Music: Anders Enger Jensen "Technics K200 Song" -

Tankaa "Stumpy" Kumawani - Everyone's favorite manic-depressive sea monster. Works for Gund Astronautics. Nicknamed for his short tail, not an ironic nickname for his height. The superego.

Ori "Flopsy" Hadar - The Blue Drake from Arth. Retired from the Tybo Republic Foreign Legion several years ago. Nicknamed because he fell asleep on his feet during basic training, his large ears, the soporific effect lettuce has on him, and because it was unbearably twee. The ego.

Emil "Reppu" Leidy - Smilodon uplift, "Maltese" color morph. The victim of a glitterworlder's prank that has so far proven impractical to undo. At least they didn't turn into a giant monster or something. I mean, you can imagine them that way if you're into that sort of thing. Nicknamed for their stormy colors and kaiju-like body. The id.

Apparently there's a sort of morphic resonance that results in all of my characters having brown eyes and having blue as a primary color...

Emil...just kind of happened out of a desire for something soft and fluffy. They weren't supposed to look like a kaiju in early tests (and resembled Ori in build), but when people said that I should amp that aspect up this is what resulted after a few iterations. I'm not sure if I'm going to build them, or if I'm going to end up farming the design out to someone with more time and desire to do stripes. He's going to take a lot of foam fab and a worrisome amount of EPS beads to get that shape just right. And a cooling vest...

Artwork © of me

"Who stuck that thing in there? Wasn't the third fursona supposed to be a Zoid or something? At least it's still a sabertoothed cat..."

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Visual / Digital