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ZW-01-LC Wild Liger Custom by KronoGarrett

ZW-01-LC Wild Liger Custom

KronoGarrett DISH// - "Starting Over"

Wild Liger Lightweight Custom (AKA "Pajama Liger")

"All we had were cadets and old vets, and a bag of odd-priced leftover Zoids. But we couldn't let Death Metal walk over our nations. At minimum, we had to buy time for proper mobilization and retooling...and so we did."

Faced with the high performance of the Death Metal Empire's Gilraptor units, the Concord forces modified many of their own Zoids for improved top speed and maneuverability through the removal of armor plating. Arashi's Wild Liger was one of many units modified in this way, the exposed body covered with a suit of camouflage fabric. This was quite effective for harassment raids, although our heroes would get into some trouble when they outran their combined arms support...

ZOIDS: WILD, but as a Real Robot series. Everything's somewhat slower, the cast are in too-large flak jackets, and artillery barrages are everyone's problem. Zoids are still sentient things (and some sillier elements remain), but there's a bit more mud and Takahashi influence. I'm probably going to redesign cockpits later, so Zoid pilots have to unbutton in order to sit up and look around. It'll help make them look a bit more organic and less tacked on, but I had Soltic H8 "Roundfacer" on the brain when I drew this. The concept itself was inspired by the Soltic Lightweight Custom, AKA the "Pajama Soltic."

Artwork © of me
Zoids and associated elements © of Takara-Tomy

"The solution to the Anime Hair problem? Paint everyone's helmets. It was the best possible compromise"

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