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The Big Gig 8/10 by SWSU-Master

The Big Gig 8/10


Some things about being fatter are hard to deal with. For one thing, hallways are designed for skinny people. Tyson had never really realized it when he was thinner, but it was always easy to get from place to place, even in the often narrow hallways of studios. As he lumbered through the halls in his so-called ‘decency’ clothes he had brought himself. He may have his ‘costume’ on, but hes a PERSON, damnit! Its WEIRD to be that naked!

He had tuned out a bit, trying to remember his lines. He didn’t have much, but the whole monologue business put a lot of pressure on him to perform, and the sets he had to work with made hiding cues difficult. That was a key factor in hiring him, he had found out; his experience with multi-cam formats trained him to do long scenes and dialogue and follow complicated cues with very few takes, which greatly streamlined his scenes.

It was at about this point in his thinking that the coffee girl came into view. Nobody knew her name; they called her Clara, based off a milk joke a lighting technician made. She was easy to work with and people joked with her, but she didn’t say much. When asked if her name was really Clara, she simply stated that it might as well be before walking off, leaving the asker bewildered, though with sufficient caffination.

Tyson nervously looked around, seeing if there was a place he could duck into, a divot he could press himself against. Finding none, her footsteps grew closer, reverberating through the hall, almost as if it was coming from both sides. He made a snap decision, quickly pushing himself against the wall with a loud “Sorry!”. Clara silently nodded and walked past him, muttering “Thank you…” quietly before continuing on his way. Tyson smiled back happily, only then noticing something between him and the wall…

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Visual / Digital