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The Big Gig 2/10 by SWSU-Master

The Big Gig 2/10


Tyson was still in shock, frankly. They had given him the details of the part; it would draw upon the physical comedy he had honed during his sitcom days to play an oafish character. Pre-production would take a while, but that’s not an issue. What WAS an issue was the discrepancy with his body.
He was going to need to gain weight.

His jaw hit the floor when he heard this. It took his agent locking the door to even BEGIN convincing him it was a worthwhile opportunity.

“Look, your character type is in demand, Tyson.” His agent said, pacing around the room, clearly nervous himself about the idea. “But, uh, its also a saturated market. Do you know how many mildly handsome young guy actors there are? Its a frickin’ madhouse! I try and get you into casting calls and fifty other guys are in the before ya! Ya know what they always need though?”
Tyson shook his head. He did not, in fact, know.

“Big guys. Comedy staples, but no actor has the weight.” He pointed at Tyson, leaning back on his desk for support. “We put some weight on ya, the roles open up.”

Tyson sighed, snapping back to his couch. He had made a massive meal run to a local fast food place, specifically grabbing the most fattening items he saw. Gaining was still a vague concept to him, and he pursed his lips as he looked over the food. How the heck was he actually going to eat all of that stuff? It took two trips just to get it inside, and he only had one stomach! He gulped, a precursor to gulping to follow that night. At least it would taste good…

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