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Starfox Lylat Cruise 24/25 by SWSU-Master

Starfox Lylat Cruise 24/25


Chapter 24: Farewell for Now; Day 352

As the cruise was coming to a close, Fox took comfort in two things: Being able to FINALLY go home and looking more mobile due to covering his own mobility pod with his own furry flabby body. He was giving his farewell speech as they were to dock back in Corneria after a year had passed.

It was only now most of the passengers of the ship who were out of the know noticed Fox was much larger than he began, how they had managed to avoid seeing the captain the entire trip is a mystery however. One passenger asked himself if he had been living under a rock for the whole cruise. Others began to ask if he was much smaller. Regardless, most everyone felt like they had missed something, mainly how the once small and physically fit captain of the Starfox Team was now resembling a beached whale.

When asked questions about how he felt about his first year as captain and the changes he so clearly went through, Fox replied happily “You’d be surprised how much the job grows on you.”

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