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FA6 (Post-Cataclysm Variant) Fighter Bomber by Svaros

FA6 (Post-Cataclysm Variant) Fighter Bomber


 As nature was to the Kumlarin, the Shrewshaw Reclamation government was to its preeminent Fighter/Bomber. As the supply chain that kept these fighters alive was all but decimated, the remaining government scrambled to centralize and salvage as much from the operation around Shreshaw as possible, salvaging what they could from abandoned cities or whatever refugees and scrap and salvage collectors found in their journeys from wasteland to desolated city. This, combined with a wide variety of donor vehicles, has allowed a fraction of the fleet to run before the cataclysm.

 While the overall silhouette of the airframe remained the same, modifications to the airframe were made to ensure reliability and ruggedness. Gone was the analog computer system that provided radar-guided lead of a target or provided calculated release point of the ordinance, replaced with an older but simpler retroreflective sight that performed similarly. The contrarotating propeller was also removed, and the engine was detuned to 3,500ps, which ensured longevity and efficiency and eliminated points of failure. While the loss in engine power was noticed in regards to acceleration and agility, top speed remained remarkably similar.

 Additional modifications include adding cyclonic filters in the wings and fuselage to work in the ash-laden air. The most significant change was to the canopy; the complicated bubble canopy was replaced by simpler panes of thick glass that protect the pilot from enemy fire while allowing the same level of situational awareness. 

 Tolesian analysis of the designs, both pre and post-cataclysm, has brought new respect for Kumlarin engineering from ILMW, who was tasked with reverse engineering and helping to create spare parts and other precision machined parts to replace Kumlarin manufacturers temporarily. At the same time, the Tolesians could begin joint ventures. This injection has brought more aircraft back into service and allowed the Shershaw to start organizing their government's true goal of territory reclamation well ahead of schedule. 


Drawn by the ever great Hard_Lighter. Thanks again!

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