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Allanda - Map by Summercat

Allanda - Map


"Once, long ago, in the ancient land of Allanda, there was a story..."

Allanda. To a later people to whom it had been long lost, it was the equivalent of Atlantis, Camelot, Shangra La - with the added benefit that it had actually existed.

The earliest stories of Allanda involve the flight from their original home, whose name today has been lost. There, pinned against the Allandan mountains, a great battle was fought, and the very land shattered, forming The Gorge - an impassable barrier, much akin to the Allandan Mountains themselves.

There after, the great cities and kingdoms of Allanda were settled, centered around the great capital of Allanduad. It was here, in this land cut off from the world, that some of the greatest legends of The World With No Name played out.

None were greater than the Sprouting of the Seed of Allanda, some thousand years after the Cataclysm, and whose results resonated throughout Time itself.

Later, long after these events had played out, and Allanda itself lost, it would play a crucial part in the Flowering, when The World With No Name would become named.

But until that point, instead of opening with "Once upon a time, in a land far far away," stories would instead begin with...

Once, long ago, in the ancient land of Allanda, there was a story...

Allanda, original map design, and The World With No Name © Me
Pretty Map and Graphics by   kurin who is freaking awesome

Map made for a DnD 4th Edition campaign (real world).

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