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City Map by Summercat

City Map


Still toying with the name...

This isn't for any specific setting aside from it's own. It is a fantasy setting, and heavily based upon early Bronze-Age Greece.

The city is the seat of the Wanax of the nearby land. The Wanax is the 'true ruler of all the lands', a claim that is kept but cannot be enforced. He rules the city and his lands from the Tower of Dolphins.

He is annointed by the High Priest of the Temple of Poseidon, whose greatest (according to the city dwellers, that is) temple is here. Further tying the city to the Sea God is the name of the river and bay it is situated on, the Hippocampus River and Hippocampus Bay - and the walls of the city surround the Hippocampus Bridge, the only large bridge across the river for many days travel upriver.

The Oroborous Wall itself has it's own legend; in ancient days of the first Wanax, a great serpent trouble the land, and the first Wanax tricked it into biting onto and swallowing it's own tail. The Gods turned it to stone afterward to keep it from trashing about, and built the three great gates and the river accesses. The first Wanax built his tower inside the strong solid stone walls.

1,2,3; the Great Gates, the Griffin, Selkie, and Dragon Gates (in clockwise order). Two traderoutes meet at the city; the Selkie and Dragon gates allow the road to follow the coast, while the Griffen gate heads upriver, towards the hills and mountains.

4; The Tower of Dolphins. The God Possiedon charged the first Wanax with both the right to rule, and with the burden of leadership. "You must be as a dolphin to your people, guiding them through stormy waters." The Tower holds many secrets, few of which have been penetrated. It also holds two prisons, one underground, another among the top floors fo the tower.

5; The Barracks, for the troops of the city and Wanax. This is mainly for training and recruits. The Wanax's levies are composed mainly of light infantry, with a core of heavy shock infantry that are composed of the elite and nobleborn. It is a rare commoner or burgher who makes it into their ranks.

6; Archery Range. Relatively new, the Wanax of the time ordered the creation of a core of archers to assist the infantry with ranged support.

7; The Great Market. The original marketplace of the city, it is mandated by law to have no permanent structures, and no merchant may stay in the same place for more than a week. The Great Market is constantly shifting and changing.

8 Military Stables. There is no real cavalry under the Wanax, but there are always needs for mounted scouts and messengers. There has been talk of perhaps mounting infantry units to bring them to battles faster.

9 Port/Shipyard. The Port goes into Hippocampus Bay, and can construct new ships. It is the second largest shipyard known to the city, and more than fits the needs. The port itself is fairly busy with ships coming and going daily.

10 Naval Warehouses. This isn't just storage of goods, but also the workshops, taverns, alehouses, and other businesses that cater specifically to the port.

11, the Old Fort, Teumession. An older fort meant to help protect the mouth of the bay. It is currently abandoned with only a light patrol ever so often to keep it clear of bandits and wild animals. It was named after the fox that would not be caught.

12, the new Fort, Laelops. A new fort with better command of the mouth of the bay. It is fully garrisoned and upkept. It is named after the hound that could catch anything.

  1. The Temple of Poissidon, one of the, if not the, largest. As this is a city on the coast and with the history of the Wanax, it is the center of the city's religious life. It is here that a new Wanax is annointed with the waters of life upon assuming the throne.

  2. Crafter's Quarter. The heart of what industry in the city. Generally poorer workers are here, cheaper goods that are not quite mass produced, but close to it.

15, the Manufactorium. Seeing a great need for both sailcloth and cloth in general, forieigners from Reme settled in the city and built a waterwheel, and magical looms powered from the water flowing through the river.

16, The Granaries. The bulk of the food stored for long periods is kept here, as well as preperation. Those employed by the city come to the Granaries for their daily allotment of bread, which is part of their pay, a concept a Wanax long ago got from the lands of the Long River. In times of war, the armies of the Wanax are supplied from the stores in the granary, rather than foraging in their own lands.

  1. The Lower Quarter (It needs a better name) is were the majority of the population lives. There are a few minor markets, but otherwise it is a densely populated area.

  2. The Upper Quarter (It needs a better name) is where the townhouses and minor palaces of the nobles reside. Some of the larger estates may have the servants live on-site.

  3. New Trade Quarter. This is where the permanent shops and markets take place. Artisans who cater to fine crafted goods, doctors, alchemists, and other 'rich' professions make their base here.

  4. River Docks. The River Docks handle all the legal traffic along the river, of which there is quite a bit. However, the river traffic must debark at the river docks, then continue either on foot or wagon to the sea docks.

21) The Traveler's Quarter. This is where those visiting the city, or simply making a waypoint on a longer destination, would spend their time. This is where you would find the better sort of inns and taverns. Also, as this is where the majority of foreigners would be found, you also find the larger shrines and temples to other gods.

22) The Garden of Victory. The Garden of Victory is allowed access to all of the city. In it are small steles and tablets that commenerate the city's victories over opponants, or major accomplishments. The latest was erected a generation ago, a small tablet in the Small Garden, describing the city's troops victorious in defense of an ally, true to their word in treaty under the gods.

You see this?

This is what happens over the court of 45 minutes to an hour while bored or idle at work.

I think I might develop this further, but *only* the city. Maybe for a campaign.

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