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At the trainyard by Strega

At the trainyard


[i]I didn't believe it when they said dragons could eat anything. Then, that day, I saw it happen.

Pinned under the rubble, I saw it swallow four passenger cars full of screaming people, each car so much wider than its head it had to disjoint its jaws like a snake. The long rectangular shapes stood out in its long neck as they slid beneath its scales. Gradually, the screaming was muffled.

A few people clambered from the cars, and it snapped them up in an almost disinterested way. They were just crumbs compared to the main meal. Thankfully it did not see me, or didn't care.

When it belched I smelled hot metal and a smell like a barbecue. Then, gorged, it flapped laboriously into the distance.

The news says they didn't find it. Somewhere it's denned up, digesting its meal of metal and meat. It will be back when it's hungry again. And it's not even the biggest dragon to attack the city.

I can't ride the elevated train now. I trust the subway more, and only take the lines that never come above ground. And I pray none of the dragons can burrow, because in my dreams I see those bulges moving down the dragon's neck, and hear those slowly muffled screams as the long jaws close.[/i]

I keep meaning to do a comic where a dragon swallows a train. Chances are I'll do it as a vertical strip comic soon.

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Visual / Digital