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Vergarian Species Sheet by StrawberryOverlord

Vergarian Species Sheet


Vergarians are a closed species owned and created by DapperDoom (myself)
Vergarians will only be available through DTA, OTA, Auction, Sale, and MYO events.
You are NOT allowed to make your own without my express permission.

I'll try and add more gene mutations I promise ;;w;;

Nonphysical features:

A gentle and friendly species, Vergarians are a very pacifist breed, known for their nonviolence.

However if push does come to shove, they will defend themselves.

Vergarians are also known for hoarding. A vergarian's hoard may contain only very specific items, or a cluster of random items.

Vergarians take great pride in their hoards, and are happy to show off their items to visitors.

All vergarians have and carry a very special item to them that contains their essence, called an "essence totem".

A vergarian is not born with an essence totem, but must find theirs during their life.

A vergarian who loses their essence totem may feel lost, incomplete, and exiled. Other Vergarians around them may feel pity for the vergarian who has lost their totem.

The basics:

All Vergarians MUST have an essence totem, it can be anything, perferably something that can be carried easily.

They must have AT THE MINIMUM of one horn, and can only have a max of 4.

The snake tails are not optional, and they can only have ONE snake. no more, no less.

However in very very rare cases a snake can have multiple heads.

Wings are optional. Not all Vergarians can fly.

You do not HAVE to specify what they hoard, BUT you can if you please.



This species is very versatile and can survive in many climates. The climate they live in may dictate their coat length.

Vergarians that live in particularly cold climates, have feathered snake tails, but not always.

Vergarians in Tropical climates have short fine coats and low body fat.


Vergarians mainly feed on fruits, and other plant life. They May occasionally feed on small insects and larvae as well.

They prefer the sweeter of fruits, but tastes all depend on the vergarian.

General level of aggression and sociability:</b>

Very Social, and quiet and docile. Will defend themselves if absolutely necessary

General behaviour:</b>

Vergarians are a very social species, and socializing, and forming community is a big part of their survival as a species.

They are a herd species, and live in groups. However they do tend to have separate homes as a means of separating their hoards.

Keeping their hoards separate however does not mean they aren't totally happy with sharing all the things they collected over time!

Vergarians typically have fruit grooves they grow themselves, and small markets in which they sell and trade food items, as well as hoardable items.

Though it's more trading than selling.

Sexes, genders, and Reproduction:</b>

All Vergarians are able to sire and birth offspring, each carrying both sets of reproductive organs.

Vergarians are an egg laying species, a single clutch may typically consists of 1-4 eggs, and in some very rare cases 5-6.

Offspring are typically raised by not just the two biological parents, but also by other members of the immediate community.

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