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Prey Comparison (In Pieces) by Stein the Stoner Dog

Prey Comparison (In Pieces)

Stein the Stoner Dog

Where should I begin? Well, this is what's been keeping me for the past few days, because it is quite large despite how it looks. I used a piece of watercolor paper for it because I couldn't seem to fit all the characters on a normal sized piece of paper without them running off of it. And lemme tell ya, I will never be using watercolor paper again. Just because it's too damn big for my scanner and I spent my whole night scanning different parts of it and putting it together in MS paint, ergo the subtitle 'In Pieces'. And you can clearly see that it's edited if you look at the bottom right. Notice that it's brighter than the rest of the picture. Oye. But the dazzling original is hung up by my bed to remind me of this great accomplishment. It may look like an average drawing to you, but to me, it's my favorite work so far.

So now for the story behind the idea. The animal kingdom is a big contest, and Angel is no exception. Clearly he has the better prey here, even if Steiny is just playing along for his benefit. His defining moment will be when that eagle flies away with a Charlie Brown slump.

All characters © of me

Date of creation: January 9, 2011

Submission Information

Visual / Traditional