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Central Duo - 2013 by steampunklayhr

Central Duo - 2013


Reupload from 2013. It's Chaz (left) and David (right)! 8D PREPARE FOR IMMINENT TEXTWALL.

Some infos about Chaz:

  • Annnd here we have Chaz M [full last name unknown]! Chaz works in the Spectrum Security Task Force (SSTF for short) in the Retrieval Division- it basically means he gets to wear a cool uniform, play with awesome gadgets, and cruise around the city looking for adventure with his long-time parter David, which he has no complaints about save the (in his opinion, highly unnecessary) paperwork side of things; now if only they’d give him a company motorcycle, he’d be all set. Chaz is a friendly guy and easy to get along with for the most part, though prone to bouts of frustration when dealing with difficult individuals or situations; but he’ll eagerly swap stories and a round of drinks at the local bar if reason arises. He does have a bit of a reckless streak that will occasionally manifest itself on work-related missions, but in his mind ‘whatever gets the job done’ and ‘sometimes, you just gotta tackle a guy’.

  • In addition to enjoying gadgets, motorcycles and the thrill of adventure, Chaz has quite the sense of humor and is incredibly fond of puns, often the worse the better. He also never misses the opportunity to make a booty-joke, and has even been known at parties to introduce himself as ‘Professor of Asstrology, graduated from Brown University, wrote a thesis on Uranus’ with a cheeky grin that lasts the rest of the night, much to everyone else’s chagrin. Chaz is also outright terrible at cooking despite his best efforts, but that’s alright - David (not only his work-partner, but spouse as well!) still appreciates the attempt at burnt pancakes, even if they do somehow manage to be more of a featureless mound of dough than even regular pancakes are.

Some infos about David:

  • Next up is David Vanguard! David also works in the Spectrum Security Task Force (SSTF) in the Retrieval Division, with his long-time partner Chaz. He takes his job (and all responsibilities, really) quite seriously; though it can be exciting there are also definite dangers involved, and he’s seen first-hand what impact their duty can have on the community. David is a friendly but occasionally quiet individual; he’s not so much shy as just softer-spoken around those he doesn’t know, though he’ll certainly use his voice when need arises, especially if he thinks something isn’t right. Focused and determined, he takes duty quite seriously- and his keen observation and sharp aim make him quite good at his job. David often worries about his partner, and does his best to keep his eyes out for both of them. Despite his serious mindset regarding responsibility, David does enjoy unwinding after work; be it movie night in or a night out with good food and good dancing with Chaz (he is especially fond of Mediterranean-style music and fare!), or even just relaxing more quietly. He’s also quite good at cooking, and enjoys being able to fix nice meals for himself and the person he cares most about.

  • Due to his responsible nature as well as his skill, David is one of the few members of the SSTF granted use of their innovative (and quite expensive) visor technology on missions. These visors act as a source of both visual and audio data feed, with a two-way communicator built in to one side; various visual data is displayed within the visor screen itself, allowing the user to pull up map/building/street overlays as well as whatever suspect/target information the SSTF has available that can be updated wirelessly in real-time. These visual displays can be toggled or dimmed so as not to interfere with line of active sight. In addition to being valuable assets out in the field, the visors are quite snazzy looking to boot!

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Visual / Digital