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Birthday Commission from Ferdcat by SRSobotka

Birthday Commission from Ferdcat


“Ooo, chere! You have an un corps incroyable, Miss Donna.”

”Oh Sweet-Aunt-Mahi! Look, as much as I would appreciate the attention, Amanda, we’re supposed to show HIM our appreciation. It’s HIS Birthd—?!”

And, somewhere off-screen, Randall St. John is blushing/face-palming, while Madame Yanagi is having wicked thoughts about adding “rabbit” to her carnal diet, as it were.

This is a very, belated birthday commission, from Ferd “CallMePo” Poblette. I hadn’t been able to get any artwork from him for AGES, so I decided that a portion of my birthday money in April would be used to get this.

My two OCs — Donna Guthrie from my (still)in-progress novel, “Sisters of Steel: Demon Ice” and Amanda “Clover” d’Orleans from my “New Kiev/SOKOL” universe — were coming together to wish me a Happy 44th Birthday. That is… they were, until lil’ miz sexpot Clover realized just how yummy-looking and buff our tall, red-haired gal is.

Let’s just say, if I get the funds again, Ferd may be drawing a follow up to this. The idea of Clover going all “glompage” on Donna is too cute of an idea to pass up.

Just for fun, I threw some flat color on Ferd’s lines. Oh, forgot to mention, Clover’s outfit was taken from one worn by Bianca Beauchamp.

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Visual / Digital