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Lifes darkness- Chapter 1 pt1 by squirrelette

Lifes darkness- Chapter 1 pt1


Chapter 1 the past

Where the heck was I? I couldn't see anything at all. I was squeezed into something. A stomach of a carnivore? It felt a bit too tight for a stomach. maybe in a bowel and was ready to pooed down into the waste pot where all scat and urine goes before its tipped into the sewers underground.

I feel all squashed up and couldn't move a muscle at all. I was covered in some slimy stuff and it was all over me and it was covering my eyes. my hands are too squashed to reach so the only way to get out is to wait for any movements in the bowel.

Suddenly something moved. a gate of some sort started to open above where my head was. So the only way was to get my head through it. I tried to wriggle and see if i can get my head over it.

It took a while but i got my head over it. my body has more space to move. I pushed it through the tunnel which was long until I got to another gate. I heard a cry of pain the closer I got. The gate opened widely as I squeezed my head out slowly as this is tougher than the first one. I pushed and pushed as hard through the hole as i can. Then suddenly I head was out as iIcould feel nothing than air on my head.

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