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dove by spoonface



Dove Hawkins, son of Mockingbird .

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Visual / Digital


  • Link

    I feel a little sorry for Dove. Not only does he have Mockingbird as his father, well...he has Mockingbird as his father. 'Nuff said.
    I like him quite a lot. That he stays a decent person while around Mockers is admirable.

    • Link

      I think initially he admires his father while the guy is elusive and distant and kind of considers it to be his fault that they never interacted much (even tho it was out of his hands and it's all on Mocko for being a bad dad). It wasn't until he tried reaching out to his father again when the guy realized that HOLD ON HE COULD BE AN ASSET and Dove got snared in that trap and hasn't been able to get out. Poor guy, he doesn't deserve that.

      On top of everything else Dove is very reluctant to talk about his problems and just lets them stew inside of himself since he knows that if he talks about how he feels, it will be used against him. He needs healthy relationships but the way he's learned to cope with toxic ones just draws him away from such possibilities.

      • Link

        oh and Mockingbird had unrealistic expectations of Dove when he was a child and when failing to meet those he'd just become apathetic about whatever the boy would do. whatever, do as you please, you're on your own. Jesus.

        • Link

          Eeee, character background! Thank you, that was interesting to read.

          • Link

            Yw! Haven't had much plans to do much of anything with this setting for now. I suppose it makes for an interesting character development exercise for plain flesh and blood humans xD I tend to make a lot of humanoid creatures but mockingbird and co are the first humans i've done in a good while!