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omg This program is great. Q V Q It's like a godmoded Paint Tool Sai.

It has a bunch of camera fancy stuff like...DSLR EDITING...?? Which I don't quiet understand...BUT IT'S THERE.

Basically...It has everything that Sai has and more--Plus they have a lot of the stuff that you'd commonly use in Photoshop-- INFACT...You can save your images as .PSD files! MEANING...You can work inbetween both sai /AND/ Photoshop!

The only down side that I see is the fact that It's a little bit AWKWARD at first because It took me a full 15 minutes to find the eraser tool x__x And It's also a bit hard to find where other things are...but after messing with it for a few hours I think I can emulate my regular things that I do in sai.

Just about the only thing I haven't figured out yet is how to make your own pen tools and stuff??? But I'm probably just an idiot LOL But, they give you enough settings right off the bat that it shouldn't be a problem even if their isn't a way to make your own brushes.

If you don't wanna spend $99999999999 on Photoshop, or Sai alone just doesn't cut it for you I insist that you give Krita a try. u v u

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Visual / Sketch


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    The eraser is magic, yeah giggles it's a little odd, perhaps, but that's only because /everything/ can be an eraser! :D How to make your own brush presets is... there's a button on the toolbar which opens a massive dropdown dialogue type thing where you can edit your brushes :) There's a couple of guides and such for that, too - David Revoy's one is here: but there's also the others on the Get Started page on Krita's website, a few ones on there :)

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      Yeah! Someone told me on FA how to make the brushes! It's great-- Thanks for the link btw. e ve

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        giggles i did see Arakin had poked you on FA, but not until after i commented here :D You're welcome!

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    I'm not quite sure how to cel shade in Krita LOL let's be idiots together?

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      What do you mean? I assume you'd cell-shade the same way you did in either Photoshop and Sai? :U

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        There are no clipping masks in Krita, at least the version I have and that's how I was shown to cell shade <w<

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          The clipping is a little bit stupid-- I opened a drawing I was doing in Sai and it changed a layer I had that was clipping to a regular layer...and I had to press the little infinity symbol to get it to clip again?? As for masking...I don't use masking but I tend to use the magic wand tool over clipping anyway o ^ o !

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          Well, a selection will block your painting area... don't know if that's what you mean by a clipping mask :)

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            no, a clipping mask is different from a selection. For a clipping mask, you use at least 2 layers (not including lineart).
            that's how you do it:
            create 3 layers, one for your lineart, one for shadows and set it to multiply and a 3rd one for the base color.
            then you add the shadows to your layer above the base color (the one we set on multiply)
   as you can see, I didn't took any care for the edges at all and I drew all over the canvas.
            now there is a magic option which forces the layer to apply visability for it's layer underneath it. The clipping mask. Here in SAI known as Clipping Group. If we tick that box, some awesome magic will happen.
            this is better than the selection tool. selections tend to fuck up the edges the more you draw on them.

            I think this option is missing on krita.

            personally, krita is kinda nice, especially because of the mirror canvas thing. I loved that option on corel painter 12.
            but I find corels interface fucking creepy and it tends to crash every fucking second lol
            but the interface for krita is just as creepy as corel painters.
            I find the area, which is meant for the canvas, way too small. I have to close the dockers to be somewhat comfortable with the layout.
            is there an option to minimize these dockers to little symbols like in photoshop?
   like this. icons that hide the fat ass windows for the layers, colors, navigation, brushes and what not.

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              Hmm... That looks like something you'd be able to achieve with a combination of clone layers and compositing modes... not entirely sure exactly how, but i'd expect it to be possible to get something like it. According to one of the various documents floating about for people coming in from other applications, "Krita has no clipping mask, but there is a workaround involving layer groups and ‘inherit alpha’ (see the alpha icon). Place a layer with the shape you want to clip the other with at the bottom of a group and layers above with the ‘inherit alpha’ option. This will create the same effect as the “clipping mask” PS feature." - is particularly useful for that, even if it's for a by now slightly old version of Krita :)

              For the canvas area maximising thing, no, you can't quite do it the way you describe, but you /can/ toggle (very easily, just press tab) a full screen canvas mode... and while there is no default shortcut set for that, you can toggle the dockers without going full screen as well (you just need to set a shortcut, you can do that in Settings -> Configure Shortcuts...). Not exactly what you are asking for, but hope it helps - the second option would probably be closer to what you're thinking :)

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                aaaaah! yes, the alpha thing is exactly the same thing as the clipping mask/ group such as in sai and ps!

                yeah I already found the shortcut menu, but it's still not very comfortable to me, since I am used to my photoshop interface, it gets really exhausting to learn a new interface and more shortcuts xDD
                the most important shortcuts for me are already set though. pen size increasing/ decreasing, color picking and the eraser thing for each brush. very nice feature to have a shortcut for the brush erase setting.

                I just hope the future versions of Krita will alow the user to be more flexible with the dockers.
                anyhow, nice program so far!

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                  Very glad to be able to help! :D

                  giggles Well, yes, learning new workflows is always interesting ;) A tip for pen size, try the on-canvas resizing, i'm told it's really neat in use :) hold shift and tap and move left/right to go smaller/bigger :)

                  Well, what you describe there with making the dockers less of a docker and more of a drop down type thing... many things are dictated by the limited docker system in our framework, but what you describe is something entirely different and wouldn't reeeally be a docking thing... it might actually be possible to do that, could be interesting :)

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                    oh yeah, I found that shift resizing pen size by accident! I was like, "oooooh! shifts back aaaah!" Really really neat!

                    the docker thing:
                    yes somewhat! But that was the thing, THE THING in photoshop to be minimalistic with the windows, but still having them 1 click away from the entire canvas, nicely hidden in an icon at the side bar.
                    the nice feature in ps is also, you can dock the menues freely the way you want. I know you can still do the same in Krita too, but the thing in ps is, ps will save the docker combination and creates it's own dockable thing you can attach anywhere on the Photoshop work frame.

                    oh well, the only reason why I am pooping this one little thing down is because, when I minimize the dockers to a drag and drop menu, the docker will keep its size as a long ass thin bar, which will resize to the huge menu when attached back to the side of the krita frame.... which is really annoying xD

                    However, I found a nice solution for me, still slightly unhappy with it, but I can get used to it and will find a way into a fluid workflow slowly.

                    can't wait to see more from Krita!

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                      Oh, there's plenty of shiny things coming :D The docker system could certainly do with some work... but glad to hear you figured something out :)

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                        cooooool, I keep my eyes open for updates ^OvO^

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                          2.9 is about half a year or so away, and there's things on the way for that :) And then of course there's the whole Steam thing, which is an entirely new and shiny thing we're working on, which will let you use the steam cloud and whatnot :)

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                            nice! :D
                            though I am someone who loves to be disconnected from the internet while drawing, so not sure if the steam cloud is something meant for me xD hahaha
                            hadda hadda, have nice day bro!

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                              Hehe, i don't blame you - though i, when writing, am mostly connected, simply because of how the laptop is set up, i'm offline from all the various social networks and the like, totally get why you would want to get rid of the distraction :) There's more for the Steam version, though, there's the whole community side of it too, like easy to install brush packs and that sort of thing... and just the simplicity of keeping it up to date, of course :)

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                                aaaah! alright, I will take a look on the steamcloud then too! thanks for the info, bro :D

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                                  giggles You're welcome! :D

                                  nb: not really a bro... or a sis... or that sort of thing ;) but you're welcome anyway :D

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                                    no offense, I call everybody bro xD or bra. LOL

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                                      giggles funny sort of colloquialisms - kind of like a ts friend who keeps calling everybody dude, male, female or otherwise ;)

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                                        exactly! hahahaha xD
                                        anyhoooooooooooooooow, have an awesome day! quq

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                                          You too! :D