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Nom-Scream Shenanigans 15 by SpiderMilkshake

Nom-Scream Shenanigans 15


.>u<; Oh no, Sturscram. Hoooooo, no. One strong scolding and you fumble your entire hand just everywhere! XD

Hmmm... Human perspectives! I do wonder how it feels the moment you find out a robot has an awkward crush on ya. X3c June thinks on her feet, and she's thinking of something to reign in the 'Scream and her own doubts. c:

SS: I'm sorry! I really am!
I was foolish... I wasn't thinking straight.
SS: What must I do to have you believe me?
June: It's not that I don't believe you.
But I can't have you around Jack if I can't trust you.
SS: Wh-wha--?!
But I would not harm Jack! Especially since that would also harm you--er, I mean--
June: |:/
June: So that's it, huh?
SS: "That" being, erm...
June: So this explains why you've been so odd around me all week.
You actually care what happens to me. Huh.

^w^ I figured that since I hadn't worked on this for a while I'd finish up the next WIP page and update it...

8D Though it's not far from completion and I am eager to work on the fun finale. X3c
