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The Crackiest of All Creams by SpiderMilkshake

The Crackiest of All Creams


XD Welp, here's the new coverart illustration for the whole of "Crack, Science, Weirdass Events, and an Alternate Reality!", any attempt to tackle its weirdness will indeed be weird, but be far outstripped by the complete weirdness of it.

Though that is appropriate, as the creepy one in the picture is... weird... even mixed up in alternate universe shenanigans. X3c This is literally the first time attempting to even draw... uh, ANY of these three... yay~

So here, enjoy weirdness being weird, and two relatively non-weirds being exposed to complete weird. :3c

Pens, colored pencils, weird humor, digitally-added background, crack.

Begin reading the Cracky-Cream here: