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Rabbishes by SpiderMilkshake



:D I drew up a reference for Rabbishes.

A rabbish... 'tis a startlingly rabbit-like plant organism. They are highly mobile and intelligent--matching animal rabbits in nearly all things. Rabbishes do not eat, nor do they have mouths of any kind. Their only orifices are their "nostrils", which are large paired stomas leading to internal respiration chambers. The root-like structures on their bodies absorb water and minerals, their leafy structures and their eyes are photosynthetic. They can easily live without their tail or ear leaves so long as their eyes remain undamaged. They have a plant equivalent of a central nervous system which is mostly characterized by large "stimuli-response nodes" strung in paired cords in their necks and backs which end in a much larger memory and consciousness core in the pelvic region. Along with their leaves their legs also regenerate if damaged or removed, though unlike their leaves they cannot cut off fluid circulation and feeling to their limbs and drop them painlessly.

Their eye organs have very little capacity to see varying hues, much like cats. Their movement-based sight is very sharp as is their ability to pick out detail from a distance. By changing the shape of their pupils they can shift their vision from center-based to periphery-based, and can also adjust to many levels of light in almost no time at all. They can sense vibrations through their roots and leaves as a sense of hearing, but they have no air-based sense of smell and can only detect chemicals through water medium. While capable of learning language, given they have a patient and willing teacher, they can never speak any verbal language and cannot make any noises at all. Their own native language is based in visual signals much like that of cephalopods, and various head, forelimb, and eye movements can be learned and duplicated by other species in order to communicate. Several ear-based phrases are too complex for human beings to learn.

Rabbishes have a social structure that is somewhat similar to rabbits. Typically the most experienced rabbish in a group of 5-12 of them will be the established leader. Unlike rabbits, rabbishes only allow their group leaders to reproduce--for as long as that rabbish is in control of the group they are the only one to bear young, which the other members of the group help to raise. Younger rabbishes sometimes challenge the leader in order to take their place, which usually results in an energetic battle of kicking and boxing. Injuries as a result of these matches are rare, but occasionally happen. Rabbishes reproduce sexually and do require two parents as in most animals, the resulting brood (4-8 rabbish bebs) are born live, very tiny, and completely helpless. These infants survive off of an implanted nutrient sac for the first week while they slowly become mobile and develop their eyes. Once their eyes are visible the parents accompany them outside to begin their photosynthesis cycles, after which they begin to grow in leaves. A juvenile rabbish becomes an adult in approximately a year, and this transition is told by the pale green of their leaves becoming a robust deep green. The average natural lifespan of a rabbish is 12 years, and they appear to have no known natural predators (as far as lethal predation goes--herbivorous and omnivorous animals have been known to consume their dropped leaves, including purposefully following and nipping at them for that purpose). Rabbishes inhabit any temperate habitats, particularly in places close to bodies of water. They seem to prefer running water to still water, but rabbish warrens have popped up even near salt marshes and salt lakes, indicating an ability to pump out excess salts.

X'D That's a lot of background info for a creature with a pun name.

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    I really like the design of this species as well as all the thought out information!