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Anthro Physique Formula--Part 1 by SpiderMilkshake

Anthro Physique Formula--Part 1


Some sketches I use to figure out body proportions of anthropomorphic characters when I draw them... I tend to go "what the body is here--the body should stay here", rather than moving parts around or adding much extra in terms of limbs, digits, tail length, etc. Much of this is different to how many more well-known anthro artists compose their characters and anthropomorphic creatures. I go all-out on staying true to the critter's natural physiology, since it often reveals more about the nature of the anthropomorphic piece (displaying the character of the species rather than the cultural preconceptions that humans hold on the animal). Also helps with making unique humanoid anatomy... just working on anthropomorphizing a very non-humanoid creature by thinking "what would this creature look like if its body was more human-like?" rather than starting with the blank human body. Of course, doing that assumes a mastery in humanoid anatomy to compare to the anthro creature's... Anthro-ing is hard. XD Best to draw humans and non-anthropomorphic creatures first, to get a good idea of what an intermediary, a mixture, and what an anthropomorphized form of a non-human animal would be.

As shown here, I use a lot of sorta complex/not-actually-that-complex-I-just-hate-math math XD usually I start with comparing the animal I'm trying to anthropomorphize and a human's torso proportions... and make the anthro form's torso either shortened or elongated based on the difference in torso size. I find that most non-avian and non-insect animals have long torsos, but especially creatures like squamates (lizard families and snake families) and fishes. Land-based quadrupeds are elongate to varying degrees... I use some discrepancy and sort of soften the differences for some of the quadrupeds when it comes to leg lengths, otherwise, well... you'll see on the next page with the horse. Freakin' horses in this formula look a little too freaky to be approved of as a legitimate horse anthro... so the legs get a little... softened. XD

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