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Averens averens--Illustration and Information by SpiderMilkshake

Averens averens--Illustration and Information


A species of medicinal (and in some creatures, extremely toxic) herb common to Mara Isle. :) Maranaga make use of this herb for several medicinal and practical purposes, as the medicinal aspects are very effective in their species while the toxins are very weak to them.

Averens averens is the largest and most common species in this genus (of three species), with thick fleshy stems, three-pointed leaves and small clusters of pale green-blue flowers with exaggerated stamens. They grow in moist soil and can handle either moderate sun or almost full shade, and depend on nocturnal moths and nectar-feeding bats almost exclusively for pollination. :D Thankfully there are tons of such critters on Mara.

The medicinal effects of Averens plants involve the retardation of the digestive system and can also reduce swelling to internal injuries. Higher doses also cause mild euphoric sensations and anesthetic effects in Maranaga. The primary use for this herb to these naga is to prepare the injured for invasive surgeries, especially when it comes to esophagus and stomach perforations, or damage to the intestines. It is also helpful to extract foreign objects either accidentally swallowed or pierced into the body cavity as the slowing of the digestion reduces risk of injury and aides in healing any stitched-up tissue in the vicinity.

There are several other uses as well--including as a recreational drug. XD It is, thankfully, not addictive at all and rarely has negative side effects.

This, my friends, is also the big secret: This is how Maranaga can perform safe vore. :D Originally this use of the herb was strictly for parents to use so that they could hide infants from predators (or give time outs when the babes kept trying to wander off XD) but a number of Maranaga think voring is rather fun. Like some of us. X3

Digital sketch illustration of this cool plant species. :D Also--PRETTY FLOWERS WHEEEE!~

Pretty surgery flowers. XD

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Visual / Sketch