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1961 Zenith Model H2740 TV with Dean Wilson the Ottah by spatsbear

1961 Zenith Model H2740 TV with Dean Wilson the Ottah


Tonight I finally finished cleaning up the 1961 Zenith 23" console TV.

Harley Badger found this on Craigslist for free last year. It came right from the original owner, and was still used occasionally up until 15 years ago. All the tubes and all of the components are original, all dated around mid 1961.

And the picture of it operating with Dean Wilson the ottah from Animalympics. Picture is very bright (controls are turned most of the way down), very sharp, and very stable.

This is just yet another testament to Zenith's The Quality Goes In Before The Name Goes On back then.

It is just too bad that can't be applied to most anything made today.....

Video coming soon.

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    Good looking television...

    I hate trying to buy anything new these days. There is just no build quality in 90+ percent of the products out there. If you can find a quality product, you are going to pay for it. But, I'd rather pay for something quality than buy a crapton of garbage that has to keep being replaced because it doesn't hold up under daily use.

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      And this is one of the reasons I am into vintage stuff. It just amazes me that something older than myself still works, or can be repaired to work again, and can work very, very well.
      As for modern stuff, I do try to buy the best stuff I can. But other than that, pretty much everything else can barely last a couple of years. Disposable, throwaway, etc.

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        I completely agree, there is a list of things that I simply wont buy (brands and products) due to this extremely poor quality. I also do a ton of research before I buy just about anything that I intend to have stick around for any amount of time. It can be difficult weeding through all the hype and crap but it is usually worth it in the long run to do the research and by the modern product that fits my needs and budget the best.

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    "Fu' suuuuuure!"
    Love Dean Wilson. :3

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      hehe.. doing what an ottah aughta.