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Struthiomimus altus by SpartaDog

Struthiomimus altus


Name: Gallimimus/Struthiomimus/Ornithomimus

Height (at the hip): 6 - 7 ft (1.8 - 2.1 m)/4.6 - 6 ft (1.4 - 1.8 m)/ 6 ft (1.8 m)

Length: 15 - 20 ft ( 4.5 - 6 m)/12 - 15 ft (3.7 - 4.5 m)/11.5 - 15 (3.5 - 4.5 m)

Weight: 350 - 500 lb (148 - 226 kg)/330 lb (150 kg)/300- 352 lb (113 - 159 kg)

Diet: Omnivore

Climate: Desert/arid plains

Temperament: Excitable, hardy, moderately social, trainable with patience

Function: Pulling, racing

Difficulty: Intermediate

  • Mimids are not overly intelligent. They can be trained to be ridden or driven, but not much beyond that.
  • They do best in pairs during the winter and in groups of a few dozen animals during the summer, with one male per group. Males often become very territorial during mating season, and both parents will protect the eggs and hatchlings aggressively. Care must be taken as a single kick can kill or seriously injure a human.
  • Once trained, mimids make excellent light pull animals. They are strong for their build and exceptionally fast, and they have incredibly high endurance. They are often used to pull taxis in cities. Blinders are recommended in busy areas.
  • Because of their speed, mimid races are a popular pastime. Large bets are placed on well-bred individuals or those on winning streaks. There are rumors of an underground circuit, and of mafia-like interference behind the official races.

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