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Spirographs! by Spark908



Something I've been meaning to get around to but haven't until recently! I created a geometry node setup in blender that allows me to to procedurally generate spirographs based on the parameters I give the setup! Just because you don't fully understand the math behind something does not mean you can't play around with some awesome results! The Setup allows you to control 3 separate parameters that act as nested circles within the circles for each of the 3 iterations. From there, you can add different input vectors or textures to change around the results you get even farther!

One example of strange math that can be used to achieve an interesting result is the spirograph that starts as a mere point and grows into the big spiral on the bottom right. The result of the first "Circle" iteration was put through a fraction equation, causing that interesting result. Did I 100%  understand that this would happen when I put it through the fraction equation? Heck no! Playing around and experimenting is so much of the creation process, at least for me. What works? What doesn't? Sometimes, you stumble upon something that looks beautiful. You just have to look. As you delve further, you're understnading of such things increaes without you even knowing! Keep creating wonderful things!!

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Visual / Crafts / Jewelry