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SL :: Seindria by ainsley

SL :: Seindria


So, I started a new account on SL. Got tired of no access. Through friends helping, a deal made with a friend to promote her store, and some scouring for freebies, I've already decked this new character out.

I can't edit the new hands/feet, got a child asleep on me, so this is a quick, current ref of the simplified SL version.

Skin Shade Base: Eloh Oh Another*
Texture work: me
Head/Ears/Legs/Feet: AVentity Smilodon
Body/Hands: Maitreya Lara
Tail: Flaks Bento Feline Tail
Hair: Ploom Cember**
Nose Ring (because I forgot I was wearing it...): OpenCollar Septum Ring

  • - I don't know if these are still available. I have the PSD files from years and years ago, and the last time I looked, the page was down. ** - No longer available. I contacted the Ploom (now doe.) owner, Helyanwe Vindaloo, asking if I had missed it on her MP store, because I wanted to rebuy it. She gifted it to me, for which I'm super grateful. It's my favorite hair on this head.

Now, the Flaks tail is longer than I wanted, and makes her look more like a cougar with that head but w/e. It had the best shape and wasn't L$500.

So, there you go. Back in SL, finally.

Fun fact: after making this account, I got a call back about a job! And everything has gone through, so I start on the 18th! The store is new, and won't be ready until then.

If you'd like to give me a hand until I get my first paycheck, you can read some more details here:

I'm HOPING this is the last time I'll need to fundraise for personal things.

Submission Information

Visual / Other