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Gigai by Snabbigon



Gigai are derived from a population of Nocmaro that traveled to the planet of Milijarda and settled down. Over generations, they have adapted into a warrior class, and are larger and more muscular than the standard Noc. Their cities are built within nature; they intergrate advanced technology with the natural landscape to build their homes, prefering natural beauty over metal and concrete.

They fashion their weapons and armor out of the organic metals found on the planet, along with other materials. Because of their reputation as excellent craftsmen, they are often commissioned by others to build things such as homes, armor, weapons, clothing, jewelry, and so on. They conduct most of their business using a barter system, but they do have a currency set aside for when doing business with those outside of their society.

While females are still rare for the Gigai, they do occur more often than in Nocmaro. They are highly respected and cherished, and are often given high positions of power. Causing intentional harm to one results in some form of severe punishment, which can include death.

As with Nocs, Gigai located in the west quadrant of Milijarder are larger than the others, while the ones to the east are the smallest and have no horns. Northern Gigai are covered in long, dense furs to keep out the cold while those in the south have short coats to keep them cool. All male Gigai are hermaphrodites and are able to reproduce, with a gestation of about three months.

Individuals who are of Gigai descent but not pure-blooded are known as Gigas. Though of a mixed lineage, they are valued members of Gigaian society and help with keeping diversity within the population. Those who show no characteristics of their Gigai parent have access to a Gigas form when fully mature and, with practice, can choose to stay in that form.

Gigai, Nocmaro, Milijarda© mine.

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