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Garden of Lights Local Species Data by SkyShadow

Garden of Lights Local Species Data


An infograph of some of the species most common to the nebula, both local and otherwise!

Gazamander can be found roaming the length of the Perseus Arm. While they have considerable infrastructure and technology, it's spread out across the breadth of the region. Traders and travellers by heart who travel in wandering 'Herd Market Ships' while also refurbishing Daedalus gates and stations for other species to use.

Loaqauroe are a strange insect/fungus symbiotic organism local to the Garden. Most of the original animal hosts nervous system has been completely replaced and intergrated with myconid synaptic fibers. The creatures themselves carry the spores of their parent plants far away for the day they fall. Until then, they enjoy life to the fullest and can even share sensations with each other. A vestigial evolutionary trait to warn each other of dangerous areas and fauna.

Solkith are one of the few recorded 'Astrosapiens' species in the Perseus Arm. Comfortable in the cold vacuum between stars, the Solkith local to the Garden appear to have been shape-locked by golden technology from a bygone eon. They do not seem to mind to much though. Ranging from dozens to hundreds of meters long (some larger in remote regions), the Solkith are the largest lifeform in the region!

Skana are a species that have only recently achieved interplanetary travel, as well as access to Daedalus technology from the passing Gazamander caravaneer fleets. Energetic and more than a little reckless in their pursuits, they have quickly advanced in the sciences by being natural multitaskers and having a much broader definition of "safety standards" than most other space faring races are comfortable with.

Areasi are lucky. Waterbreathers from the deuterium rich seas of their homeworld, they've achieved an elaborate agricultural and mathematical based society despite being gifted with few evolutionary tools for advancement.
The purchase of prefab construction tech from the Gazamander not only allowed the picine species to industrialize rapidly, but to utilize the devices creatively in a way the Gazan would never have imagined to get a foot-hold in their local space as well!

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