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Izkah Reference 2014 by SkittlezInzanity

Izkah Reference 2014


Izkah is an incubus, descended from the lilitu demons bore by Lilith. Zir purpose in life is to use zir powers of seduction and manipulation to drain the energy and souls of mortals, but ze's kind of lazy about the whole thing. Mortals can be very entertaining, but they get pretty boring once they're dead. You can only poke a corpse with a stick so many times before it gets old. Nowadays Izkah isn't so much with the killing and the maiming and more keeps zir levels of tantric energy stabilized by having a very active sex life.

Izkah is snarky, cynical, judgmental, narcissistic, and over all, is just kind of an asshole. Ze thinks ze's better than everyone else, and ze kind of is. Ze is pretty intelligent by normal standards, and enjoys being condescending and just generally smarter-than-you. Ze spends a lot of zir time with zir nose in a book or zir journal. Ze writes stuff down a lot and is a compulsive list maker.

Izkah reads better books than you, watches better movies than you, and listens to better music than you, and yes, is judging you for it.

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