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Kae Love by SirMeo

Kae Love


“Okay, who needed their asses kicked?"

"Quick doodle before going to sleep", naturally took me almost 2 hours… will probably color this later.

whatever! Kae finally has a proper full-body picture. Well, proper and proper, those legs still need a separate design sheet but… yeah.

Kae Love. Around mid-twenties. Second protagonist for my “Eden” project. Works as a… law-enforcement official. Roughly same as our police, yeah, I guess I could just call her a police officer. She is young and fairly inexperienced and her supervisors ofter overlook her because of this (this, and her bad tendency to think her supervisors are idiots) but she is honest and fairly hardworking despite being usually assigned some shitty street patrolling. She lost her both legs in an accident and has artificial legs. This serves no other purpose than to be a design point and give some clues on how the world works.

She is seemingly the only one who is interested in investigating the recent disappearance of some girls and young women, disappearances that seem to be somehow related to cult activity. And something similar happened eight, nine years ago, and was left unsolved to boot…

ANYHOW. I’m not 100% if I want to keep the skirt as a part of her uniform or not. On the other hand I’m kind of interested in making uniforms unisex (and while having male police officers running in skirts sounds fun I don’t think I can make that work, so it’s either sex-separated clothing or pants for everyone) but on the other hand… I kind of like it and I think it would fit the setting better. And it would show off her legs better— and by that I, uh, really mean the metallic thing, not— not— not fanservice way— I dunno. But I'm afraid it might make her look a bit too young... mm. :(


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