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André by SirMeo



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A character I haven’t drawn in ages! André Gagnon. Some people who’ve known me (or of me) for YEARS might remember him for being this dude once. He was also under a different name (well not really, his name was always intended to be André, I just never got around “revealing” it….)

I decided to give him more stout and less “fit” body type + finally get rid of the dumb facial triangles.. Instead he now had a big hypertrophic scar on his face. I also gave him yellow/amber eyes, mostly because I decided ages ago that this setting’s werewolves all have yellow/amber eyes and his previously green eyes didn’t really work with that in mind :P I mean it’s not a big deal because there aren’t many werewolf characters, but I like my internal consistency, thank you very much!

He is werewolf and a loser. He has a bad habit of “self-medicating” his werewolf-yness with alcohol; sure he transforms into a hungry monster-wolf once a month he is a lot less dangerous to people if the said wolf is too drunk to walk straight! That’s his reasoning anyway.
He also has seriously low self-esteem and suffers from depression, and his sort of girlfriend is, to put it mildly, somewhat of an abuser, so things really aren’t going his way.

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    So neat to read about him. I do feel bad for all of the stuff he has to deal with though :c