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Stripes and Camo [Doodle] by SilverMelee

Stripes and Camo [Doodle]


A.K.A. "I really hope I didn't miss the bandwagon again."

Originally posted FurAffinity, DeviantArt, and Twitter on April 17th, 2024.

"Okay, wow. This is sooo not my style..."

What's this? An out-of-nowhere digital sketch I did of Sharon wearing something she typically wouldn't? I know, not something I would normally draw, but I got inspired by an art meme that a popular furry artist posted both on FurAffinity and Twitter, proposing interested parties draw their OC wearing a bikini and "Big Pantz." Art memes aren't normally a thing I do very often, especially given how long it normally takes for me to draw in general; the last two times I tried to hop on one of these bandwagons, I was too slow and everyone had long since moved on from those particular trends by the time I had something to share.

This time, however, I decided things were going to be different and that I was going to do my best to present a drawing that was done in a relatively short amount of time, even if it meant having to cut corners. The end result was a colored sketch that wound up taking priority over the "main" drawing I was working on prior to this, with rough outlines and a crude shading job - far from my cleanest work, but it gets the job done. As for the drawing itself, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have fun with it! I rather liked designing Sharon's bikini top (may need to remember that design for later use!), as well as the pants; I've never drawn a camo pattern before, and found a good chance to experiment when I found the original pants I drew looked too plain for my tastes. Not a bad first try, right?

As this was always meant to just be a quick digital sketch (took me about a week to complete, or about 7 art sessions that each consisted of 1-3 hours drawing with occasional breaks), this one will be going in the Scraps session. Yeah, I know it's a shame, since I rarely have digital art to share, but I'm sure it'll be plenty comfortable with the many other drawings I've got in that tab, and hopefully that won't hamper your enjoyment of this particular piece.

"So, um... can I put my old clothes back on now?"

Artwork and character belong toSilverMelee, A.K.A. myself.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch