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Gift Sketch - Milkarcade by Sidh

Gift Sketch - Milkarcade


So the character's name isn't actually Milkarcade, that's the name of the artist, or the blog the artist posts on anyway. Find them here -->

The character itself doesn't have a name yet, and using the name of the original artist and owner of the character was way simpler than "Unnamed Crystalline Shrine Maiden" which is a bit of a mouthful :V

Okay so long story short, last submission I spoke about my tablet pen falling apart while I was working on it. Which was super lame because in Australia those pens cost like $100-180 a piece because shitty dollar value and also the Australia tax which makes pretty much everything tech and entertainment related crazy expensive for no bloody good reason

Because I'm moving house within the next few weeks, there's no way I can really afford to just drop $120+ on a new pen anytime soon, and because I really hated the idea of not being able to draw within the next, let's say, two months most likely. I decided to whip out the sticky tape and glue and see what I could do.

And what I did seems to have worked! Albeit with some caveats. When it fell apart one of the buttons in the side of the pen also fell off, so I'm without one of those buttons which is a little annoying but I can deal. It's also missing the eraser end. Kinda lost it, but even if I hadn't, I needed to use tape to hold the insides of the pen down firmly because otherwise whenever I try to draw the insides are pushed up which was wreaking havoc with the sensitivity, alongside just being generally inconvenient and infuriating.

I'll still be getting a new pen, but for now I needn't worry about not being able to do stuff in the meantime!

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch