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Izel by Shinigamiinochi



Ref sheet commission from neko-maya:

Izel finally gets a ref! He was one of the first anthros I made (see Dearly Departed) and I'm really happy to have a ref sheet for him. At one point he was my sona, before I made Shii.

(spoilers for DD)

Izel lived a fairly normal kittenhood for a hybrid bred for petship. He was bought by a well off, and kind man, who loved him like a son. His master's abusive boyfriend, however, only saw Izel as an animal and treated him as such. When Izel's master broke up with his boyfriend and created a will to leave all of this things to Izel, his boyfriend killed him and tortured Izel to learn the passwords into his accounts and lockboxes. Izel managed to escape and find his way back to the pet store where his master had purchased him, but by then the damage had been done and he had refused to speak. His master's murder was written off as a common robbery gone wrong and Izel was sheltered at the pet store.

Not many years later, Izel was purchased by another master, Kaleb, who brought him back out of his shell. When hybrids were given human status, Kaleb and Izel remained together and married. Izel currently goes to the hybrid college Ilo created as a professor. He occasionally has sexual relationships with others, but they are infrequent and he remains very loyal to Kaleb.

Submission Information

Visual / Digital