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Instructor by ShayShayRaptor



"[...] if you have an issue with my filthy-ass mouth, suck it the fuck up. You’re all adults, and I’m of the old salty mindset of military past. I ain’t cleaning myself up out here. We’re not in the lecture hall anymore.”

Based on some extensive talks with a friend on DA, there is an AU that has spawned to life over the last few weeks of Lupin trickling over into the Star Trek 'Verse. So far, we've concluded that she'd be there from the beginning of the Federation, the Academy, although she wouldn't be directly involved, nor one of the first founders of either. She'd merely be present for the events as they'd unfold, given she's a werewolf and they tend to age incredibly slowly. Surviving all the wars is no easy thing to scoff at, and she'd be a rather impressive asset to maintain on hand, given her knowledge of the world, and simultaneously, her forefront knowledge and firsthand experience in things supernatural.

Given the time frame hashed out, Lupin would eventually cross over between space travel as a captain and teaching classes. One of the things Lupin herself would develop over time would be survival training, and thus, the Wolf Run Challenge was born! Long story short, Lupin would regress to an older, saltier mindset of a seasoned veteran while in the field, contrary to her usual aloof and laid back attitude. Although, either way, she's an insubordinate little shit sometimes, and her mouth tends to get her into trouble. But what else is new?

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