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Dancing by ShadraAvro (critique requested)

Dancing (critique requested)


A work in progress drawing. Please feel free to critique. It features my fursona, Shadra, dancing with a scarf.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch


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    This looks pretty solid for a basic sketch, but there are a few things you can adjust:

    • The left leg does not look connected to the hip. You need to start the thigh a bit higher up.
    • The way the skirt drapes over the same left leg looks a bit gravity-defying. If you want the fabric to hang straight down like that, start the slit in the skirt all the way up at top of the thigh. Otherwise the fabric would cover the left leg, which defeats the idea of having it free. Alternatively you could of course wrap the fabric behind the left leg.
    • Her navel is placed a tiiiny bit low. The navel is typically parallel with the waist line.

    That's all I can think of right now. Good luck with finishing this :)

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      Thanks a ton! I'll have to go re-check my reference for the leg. I was struggling with it for a while.
      If you're curious it was

      I think for sure the fabric will need adjusting. It may look alright in the photo but as you pointed out, on the drawing it looks awkward. Perhaps once I get the legs in order I can get that to work as well. Also thank you thank you thank you for the navel comment. I never know where to put that dang thing. It seems like such a simple idea but it's so easy to put it too high/too low.

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        Ahh, but on your reference pic the slit in the skirt starts really high too, so it has some space to wrap down and around the leg. Also the left leg is further out than on your drawing. If you want to draw it the same way I think it'll be fine to just move the foot and lower leg out some.

        Haha, once I used to put navels too low too, and then someone pointed it out to me - I was like 'huh, I've never even thought about that', but of course the abdomen just looks more right when you actually get the navel placement right :P