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Kashmir by ShadowCheetah



If you couldn't already tell from the title and picture itself, this is Kashmir, the insanely cute, excessively happy cheetah from the comic Sandusky ( ), by John Prengaman, Jr. Mad props to Mr. Prengaman, who happens to be one of my favourite comic artists. Check out his stuff. It's good.

Anyway, I guess I totally goofed up this drawing, but a while back, one of the punchlines for a strip ( ) involved installing airbags on Kashmir; which instantly brought about this hilarious image in my head of a cheetah going full speed, about to crash, when suddenly these giant fluffy airbags pop out in front of the collar in this amusing display of FOOMPSHHHing expanding balloon-things...

Well, it's kind of hard to describe. Which is why I tried to draw it. Only it turned out I couldn't draw it either since it looks like poor Kashmir is just overburdened by random rice bags that appeared out of nowhere or something.

The original pose turned out perfect, but when I started trying to work in the airbags, I started wondering how on earth airbags could possibly pop out in FRONT of a cheetah without some strange frame hanging in front of his head the entire time. And by then, I realized the airbags weren't fluffy looking at all, and soon after, I was wondering how you could detect when to trigger the airbags in the first place.

It went downhill from there.

I still think the image is amusing though, so here it is!

The character Kashmir and the comic Sandusky is copyrighted to John Prengaman, Jr.

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