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Are you ready? by Seisuke

Are you ready?


Truth is, Lexia barely needs any clothing. She lives the majority of her time in the sea, were clothes selection are really a hindrance when swimming. This has led to pretty much a ton nosebleeds, opened jaws, the occasional whistle and slap and some raunchiness when is not even needed. Needless to say, she puts clothes to evade attention when she can until she returns to sea. Then it hit me, the question that maybe some of have been asking...

What if she has to fight? Granted, there's not much that can harm her physically unless extreme force is exerted, you pretty much would only make her angry. There's also her innate abilities and strength, but still one comes to wonder the Ifs. Here is the result, Lexia in her battle garments. Is funny, because actually I thought of a more protective armor and a more damaging weapon like with an atlantean style to it. Then a friend sugested even discussed this with me in detail and with much deliberation this was the result.

Lexia is nimble and flexible, her clothes should not hinder her movements as such a fine but sturdy mesh should cover her most vulnerable parts. Counting she will be the Mother of an entire tree of legacy, she dons a more royalesque set of accessories. The clothing fits her idea of fluid movement like dance, hence the why she looks like a battle dancer. As the seas change from calm to untamed in a blink of an eye, her choice of weapons reflects that. Her sword has an extendable hilt, it extends to the lenght of a lance without losing integrity of sacrificing strength. Her dagger is mostly for parry/defense and combination strikes. This paired with her already innate abilities should prove enough to fend anything she faces in the future.

Lexia is mine
Art is by   7-car-pileup

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