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Sandman by Scouters



On Banara, they've dwelled in the Eastlands for years, a desert environment that is low on cities and towns. They are the smallest in the Rechwik species, but the most stocky, being fast and cunning, along with the strength to hurl cars, they were the most feared warriors back within Banara's war with the Breakers Military, attacking formations trying to traverse the desert, they would toss sand into the eyes of prey in the night and reveal their elongated claws, tearing them the shreds. They also attacked in sandstorms, to avoid losing vision, they wore cloaks to shield their eyes, the Sandman can see for miles, spotting targets to pick off even in a sandstorm, tearing with claws as sharp as a broadsword.

Males usually stand at 4-5 feet in height, as females stood at 5-6 feet. Sandman usually hunt alone because their occasionally stingy, but their are some that work together, mainly females, females earned the name "Satan's Little Girls" for their ears and trickery, usually helping travelers, and then killing them once they brought them back to their dens. If it's a group of males, which is rare, a female is known to lead the pack because of her resourcefulness, strength, and speed over the males. After the end of Banara's war, the females developed a fighting style known as the Blood Paw, making it an art of killing, the art was made by the Sand Queen Arlene, she use to have good intentions but then she grew cold and turned against many of her allies.

Sandman are capable of retracting their claws like cats, they have the longest claws within the group, measuring up to a possible 5 feet. Most of them do not travel during the day, but are highly active at night, they have been known for sometimes invading cities and towns, tending the be successful, it can be much worse of they have a diverse army at their side.

Sandman © Scouters/Demonbox

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