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Estelle's Back Event #33 by Scorpio-Gustavo

Estelle's Back Event #33


GPS: Proximity to Airport: 10 minutes.

MUN: Trust me, they're still in the car. And that's my vague assumption of the international police.

Asker: @Moe-kai
One Ko-fi please!
I’m taking Commissions! (Please visit my site for more art)

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Baby Mewtwo Replies (Pokémon)
Mt. Luminara PMD (Pokémon)
Mandrigili Art and Ask Blog (Furry OCs)
Ask Floramon, Gazimon and Kapurimon (Digimon)
We’re the Shirt Tales (Shirt Tales)
The raccoons from Walt Disney's Robin Hood!

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    You know, it's funny how the world of the games makes less sense than what fans give or the anime does, to start: there are very little schools that only teach topics around pokemon, there were several criminal teams till gen 7 that almost caused apocalyptic scenarios and off all the trainers wasting their time standing up doin nothing it has to be a kid who stops them, not even the police does something(I get why that happens but what bothers me is that they blabber about the crisis and with all the "expert" trainers no one but you do anything)and it doesn't seem that pokemon cneters have services for humans if they get hurt. And all the works that would give someone profit only relates to pokemon, and tbh honestly I'd prefer if kids wait five more years than the allowed age to have a pokemon to go on a trip, they'd be a little more prepared for life and made bonds with their partner cause it's not normal either that parents let a kid go with a supernatural creature on their own and not seeing them again

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      good point... but the franchise was aimed for little kids...

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        Yet there are a lot of young adults and teens who play it too and like it, I like to think kids can make sense of things, even them wouldn't want to let go of their parents if they were in that situation, the anime was also for kids and even then it had a lot more sense