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Intro! by Saturnsabyss



Day 1: introduction!
So my main sona is Saturn.

●●What is Saturn?●●
He's a canine mix with long ears with tufts on the ends, his tail is the same length of his body and has 3 metal claws/spikes on the end. They cannot pick anything up, their real use is unknown.

●●How old is he?●●
In an anthro form he is in his early 20s. I always saw him as the reflection of my older side/based on what people have gauged my maturity. Most of my friends tend to forget I'm a year younger than most of my graduating class, so most assume "wow you sound like you're 18 or 19." So Saturn's age reflects that side of me.

●●How did I come to make Saturn?●●
He was originally a character design for an art contest my school used to hold. I never really thought I'd keep him for 3 years after that and I never thought I'd get over 100 pieces of art of him or that I would ever develop a connection to a character like him.

●●What makes him my sona?●●
He fits how I see myself- easy to blend in with the crowd but he has unique features when you get to see more of his "personality" and his closer features.

●●Why the name Saturn?●●
Simply put- I love space. My birthday is January 5th and the planetary influence for that zodiac/birth time is Saturn. So it even more so fit after I learned that.

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