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Santa Azul's vigilante team - The Rebellion by SantaAzul

Santa Azul's vigilante team - The Rebellion


Santa Azul, California, 1995

After the collapse of a powerful crime syndicate, the city finally found harmony and peace...or so they thought. Another syndicate, who remained dormant and secretive during the previous one's takeover, began plotting and take action. But this one's actions are more aggressive, bringing fear, hate, and even chaos to the streets. But, what nobody counted on is a collection of strangers coming together and share a common goal: to liberate Santa Azul of this vicious organized crime group.

The wolf - Daniel Fury
DOB: 12/23/1978
Height: 5'11
Weight: 155 lbs
Blood type: B
Power: Rage
Fighting style: Streetbrawl

One of the two teenage runaways from Bakersfield. A young rebel who hates criminals and bullies as much as the authority figures that are supposed to control and detain them. The only person he can really trust is the one that stood by his side for years...

The vixen - JENNY Takuro
DOB: 8/30/1978
Height: 5'8
Weight: 132 lbs
Blood type: O
Power: Rage
Fighting style: Takuro-ken (an aggressive mix of Karate and Jeet-Kune-Do)

One of the two runaways from Bakersfield. Ever since middle school she's been rebellious, tomboyish, and sometimes shows her bizarre sense of humor. But she does have a nicer side she mostly show to the one person she values the most...

The human - Robbie Mercury
Height: 6'
Weight: 172 lbs
Blood type: A
Power: Spirit
Fighting style: Tae-Kwon-Do

When they first moved to the city his mother left a very bad impression on the anthros, leaving him friendless almost everywhere. But when he bumped into Dan and JEN things suddenly start to look bright for him. Since then he smiles as often as when he was a kid and shows his passion for rock music.

The skunk - Detective Salazar
DOB: 1/12/1965
Weight: 154 lbs
Blood type: AB
Power: Spirit
Fighting style: Hapkido

An ex-LAPD officer who became a PI after an incident in Van Nuys. A calm, cool and collected detective, she solves some of the worst cases that comes knocking at her door. She reluctantly joined the group after a misunderstanding and a street fight with JEN.

The lion - Calvin Connor
Height: 6'5
Weight: 259 lbs
Blood Type: A
Power: Rage
Fighting style: Wrestling

He attends Santa Azul's Cooper community college after recuperating from the loss of his longtime partner and in hopes of becoming a pro wrestler. He joined The Rebellion when he heard about "a team in need of muscles", despite the dangers.

The raccoon - Zack Flynn
DOB: 5/14/1984
Height: 4'9
Weight: 119 lbs
Blood type: O
Power: Spirit
Fighting style: Baji Quan

Once he was an ordinary, energetic kid, until a bombing has put his parents in a coma, forcing him to live with his estranged aunt. He wants to join The Rebellion to find the man responsible, but JEN doesn't want a pre-teen throwing away his life over a vendetta. But when the group fell into a trap one day, Zack arrived to pull them out of it. Given the abilities and persistence he displayed, they have no choice but to let him join.

Any question, wanna know more about them, leave a comment and I'll try to answer as best I can.

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