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The Smallest Monster by Sake Loup

From under the bed with saucer like eyes,

The smallest monster dose arise.

She pounces on the bed so springy,

I wake up half dingy.

"Sums"! I yell,

And I'm mad she can tell.

She runs and jumps off the bed

As I get up and bump my head.

Walking out to the hall,

I find her innocently playing with her ball.

"Darn cat!

You won't get away with that!"

"Leave the baby alone!"

Mom says in a warning tone.

But sometimes I can't help it,

Because when she wants out she has a fit.

She drives me insane,

When she messes with the dog's brain.

She cries till I fill her dish,

And she won't even eat real fish.

She sleeps all day on clean clothes.

Why? Who knows?

But she's up all night chasing shadows on the wall,

And she's having to much fun to come when I call.

Yes Summer really is a little monster,

But no matter what I'll always love her.

The Smallest Monster

Sake Loup

Just a poem about my kitty cat.~

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