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Crimson Poppy Stable owners by SagaWolf

Crimson Poppy Stable owners


[Copied from my DeviantArt submission]

Name: Will McCraine
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Boyfriend of Thyrian Solaris.
Height: 1,95 meters
Body build: Thick boned, muscular and strong. Is very careful about keeping his body in peak condition.
Occupation: The current owner of Crimson Poppy Stable, previously a bartender and bouncer at various prestigious nightclubs.


  • Animals! He has an acute weakness for anything fluffy and helpless. He will take in strays, rescue animals from shelters, and would probably end up an animal hoarder, if he didn't have Thyrian to help him stay sane.
  • Drinking. Despite what some would say, he is not an alcoholic and does not have a drinking problem, but he does love alcohol. Especially beer, dark brews like lagers and stouts. He's also extremely fond of dark rum and aged whiskeys. Wine isn't really his thing.
  • The guitar. He doesn't play it too well, but he loves to relax after a long day and play some random songs.

Personality: A pretty decent laid back type, he's slow to anger and pretty much wants to befriend the world if possible. If you do get him angry he'll let his fists do the talking most of the time. That broken nose ain't from slipping and falling, he'd gotten in many, maaaany brawls over the years.

He's extremely protective of friends and family, though Thyrian takes the top spot on his list. He once hunted down a critic for hurting Thyrian's feelings, and had a long talk with the poor man. No broken bones that time, thankfully!

His sense of humour is incredibly rude. Lets leave it at that.

He's got a soft spot in his heart for almost any kind of animal. Not so much insects and poisonous critters, mostly mammals and birds, and he has a talent for training them. He also the type to refer to himself as whatever's 'Mommy' in a baby-waby tone of voice.

Animals in distress makes his heart weep. He cannot comprehend how anyone would want to hurt something so innocent.

Name: Thyrian Solaris
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Sexuality: Bisexual
Status: Boyfriend of Will McCraine.
Height: 1,75 meters
Body build: Slim and athletic of build, toned and in top condition. Exercises every now and then to keep healthy and slender.
Occupation: Author of books aimed at teenagers, fantasy and sci-fi novels. Under an alias he writes saucy, erotic books for adults. Only a select few knows this, so hush! Secret!


  • Wine. Not an actual hobby, he just know so much about it, and loves it so much it might as well be a hobby. He could win a blind-taste competition any time, anywhere.
  • MMORPGs and table top RPG. A closet case, perhaps, but his love for creating and writing started with table top RPGs. He soon moved onto MMORPGs and is active in several games. A Saturday night is easily spend with a glass of wine and hours of raiding. Most of the time he manages to get Will to join in.
  • His vargs. He loves his cuddly, wuddly wolf, dog, bear beasts, and has had every one since it was a tiny little varg puppy! He hoped to breed and sell these amazing beasts, and plan on turning the Poppy's kennel into a pound for unwanted vargs. [OOC: More info on the varg species coming soon!]

Personality: Thyrian is more or less the direct opposite of Will. He's fast to snap at people and keeps his defences up for a long time before making friends with anyone. He sees a new face as someone who would potentially use his status and wealth and ultimately stab him in the back. He has this suspicious view of the world from his father.

While not as prone to get in fights as his partner, he will dirty his hands when needed, especially to protect family and loved ones. In the past this has meant hiring some shady characters to deliver messages... messy and painful ones.

He does not like people asking about his personal life, especially his relationship with Will. He's met too much aggression on the topic of being gay (or bisexual), so he avoids it or shuts up when possible.

Around his Willy-pooh, Thyrian is pretty relaxed and becomes a large goof-ball that knows how to have fun!

[LOTS OF REFERENCE WAS USED! Ref for poses, ref for outfits, ref for how different cloth materials wrinkle.

Will and Art is mine, Thy was created, and belong to, my Boyfriend :) ]

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