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Supernatural - Facial Studies 1 by RzSumisu (critique requested)

Supernatural - Facial Studies 1 (critique requested)


I worked really hard on these.

Eventually - they will probably be thrown into my Supernatural sketchbook. But for now I am putting them in my gallery. Honestly, I want comments and such on these but I was afraid that if I was to put them into my sketchbook first than they would be overlooked completely.

From left to right - Castiel from Supernatural, Dean Winchester from Supernatural, and then actually the one on the far right is Misha Collins guest starring in NCIS in an episode called, "Singled Out" - but I am still including it anyway.

Next group should include one of Lucifer, two of Sam Winchester, and one of Gabriel from Supernatural.

Note - I will probably update with a better watermark soon.

Characters do not belong to me.

Submission Information

Visual / Sketch


  • Link

    These are beautiful! The noses seem a bit flat to me, but other than that, keep up the great work!

    • Link

      Thank you very much - and sorry for the bit of a late reply. :D Really though, your comment was great - and thanks for saying that about the noses. I will definitely keep that in mind with my next studies and try to add more dimension to that area.

      • Link

        It's alright. And anytime! I noticed another thing, and that is that Dean's dorsum seems a hair too thin. Took a lot of comparisons, but the aforementioned dorsum is barely too small. Thought that'd help also.