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More Like High School ReUNICORN by RushEloc

More Like High School ReUNICORN


This is an actual thing that happened to me and I can't possibly express how surreal the whole situation felt.

Also, can we talk about how this show is nothing but constant lead-ups to boners that never happen? I mean, Rarity gets super "make anything you imagine come to life" crazy powers and she doesn't go around zapping dudes into dresses? What is THAT bullshit?

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    Man people don't even want to KNOW what I'd do with crazy imagination powers.

    (Okay mostly it would involve lots of people suddenly being naked and blushing.)

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      This is a noble purpose for them!

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    We exercise what we would do with these powers through art and words on a weekly basis. Which is why they will NEVER trust us with these powers.
    Not that we would care. Muyahahaha~* Ahem.

    The canon show is hampered by the half-hour format. They can never develop anything but a general idea path and then rush to ham-hoofed solution before the closing credits.
    Those who enjoy the show have taken every aspect and dangling thread up. Filled the gaps to burst with fanfics, memes, rules and speculations. And this is the meat of the Brony fandom. Taking what is there and expanding it with the power of rose-colored glasses and pop-culture soaked childhoods. From clop to actually amazing works of art (And amazing clop artworks, heh.).
    The show has a passionate following because it follows itself even more than the show it follows. It can feel self contained to the point of conceit to the literally uninitiated (and most arguments to they who don't like it is trying to assimi... I mean initiate them) and many buck at this.

    Hell, I like the show as well. Not a super rabid fan, that some base a life behind, but I was around in the days of 4chan and /b/ when the first wave of what became "/b/rony" took off. I was amazed at a fanship that was able to ride one of the vilest hives of scum and villainy the internet ever had to produce (said /b/) and seemed to thrive with nothing but unwavering niceness and loads of silly toon horse screenshots. Even the mods of that site got to the point of making the word pony a ban level offense. (Guro, child-pron, chop-dick, goatse... A-OK, but you said Pony? BANHAMMER)
    And so it went one chilly late February day. Pony on 4chan was over. (Yes, later they relented, this is more ad rev for them after all)
    I was even caught up in the mass-banning that sent many of this fandom off to the four winds and really cemented the US vs Them mentality so many took to heart. Some founded websites and flocked to places that technically welcomed anthropomorphic media (Hello FURRY fandom, you can get HOW much for a well drawn Pony WHAT?!) and even brought this clique into the herd, as it were.
    Some felt invaded. Some saw the shift in those they were pals with and this new obsession as changing them. (You aren't the toon loving macro herm I know and love... I don't even KNOW YOU ANYMORE... STOP CLOPPING AT ME!)

    Side note, while I didn't frolic off too far from my own haunts, the extent of my rebellion against that said banning was to found a silly holiday, Derpy Day, based on one of the background characters. (Be nice, write a letter to those you love, eat a MUFFIN!)
    I watch the show, enjoy the works, but as to flying a Mare themed version of the Borg cube at those who just don't "get" it?
    That kind of stuff pushes people to outright hating.
    And we need a lot less of that in this world.

    Your faithful student...
    Joe Aconite

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      This seems like some valuable insight! From now on, I will have a better understanding of memehorses being shoved in my face.

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        Just stand by your own resolve. Like what you like and remain firm against the hooved hoard. You can give back with wit and mind-worming memes just as strong as they in any case.

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    Come now, we /all/ want to see cartoon horses doing unspeakable things to each other, why all the strife?